Saturday, June 25, 2011

I'm getting married in exactly one week.... WOW. It doesn't seem real yet and that's probably
because I haven't seen Jarom in about 3 months. He has stayed in Utah to work while
I galavant around Oregon. I miss him.

So, instead of moping I've stayed busy... for the most part. My mother would probably
tell you I've been fairly lazy (and she's somewhat right) but I've been
working on a lot of wedding projects too! I'm trying to defend myself here, I guess.

I've been putting little name labels on chocolate kisses, folding a billion white
napkins, cutting ribbon, gluing, cutting out pictures, taping, etc. I officially have fallen
in love with double-sided tape. Seriously. Greatest invention ever. Oh, and
my sisters and I have been doing hours and hours of yard work at my grandparent's
house to get it ready for the reception. It's looking great :)

From what I've heard, marriage is fantastic. I can't wait!


pam craft said...

Marriage is fantastic!!!

Kendall said...

Agreed! I'm so excited for you, Whit. I'm only sad we can't be there for the reception! We' ll have to give you a belated wedding gift. Love you and am so excited for you!